Published On 4 Sep, 2021
KCR Government Doesn’t Submit The Records Of The Central Government Funds Utilized: MP Aravind
MP Dharmapuri arvind

Old treasures don’t count, Matching grants will not be given to new funds, The money given by the center for the roads will be diverted to the ‘ Mission s’ projects,

You are asking the Prime Minister to pay again! You are beating the drum because you have given 50 minutes time.

He gave three and a half crores for the people of Telangana.. Not to see your charming form, debts and corruption!

KCR government doesn’t submit the records of the Central government funds utilised, doesn’t approve the matching grants, diverts the funds to the projects which unlawfully benefits them.

Adding to the irony, KCR is now asking the PM for more funds.

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