Published On 28 Mar, 2021
Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Arvind Visits Ahmadi Bazar
Dharmapuri Arvind BJP

Shops in Ahmedi Bazar of Nizamabad have been running for the last fifty hundred years. Municipal officials issued a notice to shopkeepers to immediately evacuate the space for the construction of the new shopping complex.

After understanding and observing the current state of the market, I will write a letter to the District Collector saying it is not fair to evacuate shops that have been running for decades in the name of construction of shopping complex because of the vacancy of shops since 200 More families will hit the road. And if shops are evacuated shopkeepers should be provided an alternative place to do business before evacuating and these vendors should be the first priority after the municipal complex is built.

Corporation officials have not taken a single action on encroachment of public properties in the city by ′′ TRS-MIM ′′ leaders, but the same officers are free to destroy these shops of Muslims and Hindus, because they are poor and can’t fight.

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